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About Us

Putting our clients first since 1975

For over 40 years, we've been empowering clients by helping them take control of their financial lives. Today, we're proud to continue to deliver exceptional access to education, resources, and service to help you pursue your goals with confidence.

About Tda-trading

When the Securities and Exchange Commission eliminated the practice of fixed brokerage commissions on May 1, 1975, none of the major brokerage firms at the time thought anyone would ‘break ranks’ and offer discounted commissions. But, a handful of small firms, including First Omaha Securities, Inc., saw a unique opportunity. First Omaha Securities evolved into Tda-trading, and for over 40 years has remained a pioneer in an industry that continues to innovate new ways that make Wall Street more accessible to the individual investor.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Tda-trading pioneered a number of ‘firsts,’ leveraging technology to make investing easier, faster, and more efficient. In 1988, the company was the first to offer touch-tone phone trading. And, in 1995 it acquired K. Aufhauser & Co., which was credited with executing the first online trade in 1994. Following its Initial Public Offering (IPO) in March 1997, the company combined its various brokerage units into one broker dealer, Tda-trading, Inc., and launched its first national advertising campaign, complete with a pricing philosophy that continues today.

Between 1998 and 1999, Tda-trading helped grow and improve the online trading experience for self-directed investors. The company started offering online options order entry and electronic trade confirmations via email. These innovations, along with extended-hours trading, the Tda-trading Online Investor Index™ (one of the first online investor behavior measuring tools), and trading via the SprintPCSSM Wireless Web, the first of its kind via mobile device, helped keep Tda-trading at the forefront of a booming industry.

With the start of the new millennium, Tda-trading launched paperless account creation, which brought the entire account opening process online for the first time. The bursting of the ‘Tech Bubble’ resulted in excess industry capacity, and no firm was more involved in consolidation than Tda-trading. Starting in 2001 with its purchase of NationalDiscountBrokers, the company would acquire 10 firms in 10 years, adding clients, accounts, technology, and other services for self-directed investors. In 2003, it launches the industry’s first trade execution guarantee of 10 seconds. And, following its integration of Datek Online Holdings, Tda-trading unveiled a redesigned client website in 2004 that streamlined processes and tools, and made trading more flexible with now industry-standard solutions like SnapTicket™ and Trade Triggers™.

In 2006, Tda-trading purchased TD Waterhouse USA from TD Bank Financial Group, creating Tda-trading, one of the largest discount brokerages in the United States – and the largest in terms of average client trades placed each day. The merger with TD Waterhouse helped the company expand its product offering, with a more concentrated focus on long-term investing, guidance and asset gathering. With a nationwide branch network and offerings for IRAs and college savings accounts, among other things, the company created unique tools designed to make the planning process less intimidating for American investors. Tools that help investors decide between Traditional and Roth IRAs and the asset allocation guidance tool, Portfolio Planner, helped make Tda-trading a bona fide player in the competitive retirement business.

In 2009, Tda-trading looked back to its trading roots and acquired thinkorswim Group Inc., which included the fastest-growing brokerage at the time, thinkorswim, a company recognized throughout the industry for its record of innovative technology and sophisticated trading platforms. This most recent combination allowed Tda-trading to further expand its offerings for active traders by introducing complex options, futures and foreign exchange trading. In 2010 and 2011 the company embraced mobile devices by developing trading applications for the Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Today, Tda-trading provides investing and trading services for 11 million client accounts that total more than $1 trillion in assets, and custodial services for more than 6,000 independent registered investment advisors. With clients placing, on average, approximately 500,000 trades each day, it maintains the leadership position it assumed when founder Joe Ricketts opened his doors in Omaha, NE, in 1975.

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